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who's the best pvper on Fusion
like tier wise or elo wise
Whos exited for season 8
Season 8 (Winter update) is coming out soon be aware new gamemodes also coming.
Xbowing In Manhunt A Love/Hate Relationship.
I hate carting and I also love it, It helps clutch against teamers and make cool traps. It also is an easy get back if you died to som1 u don't like! But then there is the otherside of it... yoyoyod,qwoj/oogabooga,JakenIsTaken,Arshgaming,Anshuman,darkgamerop and the whole carted team are some of the most annoying ppl ever. Don't get me wrong I like alot of them but sometimes I get killed in the crossfire and during peak player times I can plummet down 100 elo in minutes. Fusion has tried several times to nerf carts but not remove them because of it various upsides. They tried getting adding blast prot or making them uncraftable but its seemed to not work. I feel like the only way to fix it would be to add a cart cooldown of some sort of make them not spawn in the kit meaning you have to physically craft them.
Who Are Your Top 3 Most Annoying Teams?
I'd start with: Invaders: They're team is really toxic and are mostly kids that jump around like floppers spamming axe crits. The only exception is my boy Sypt_ 2. Flamers: If you've played weaken at peak player time you'd know why. I got 7v1d by them (and won 😏) in wekane kit but managed to kill them since carts did splash damage to all of them. 3.Pros: Chances are you've never heard of thim but this super small team is composed of 2 of the most toxic, axe spamming, teamers ever to set foot in fusion. I have been targeted by them numerous times in various 2-3v1s (and won 😏) and managed to fight them off with various traps and tricks. The players, who are incredibly toxic are very inactive as they have started to get targeted.