We aim to provide all players with the best experience on the network by providing them with a safe, fair and friendly playing environment. In order to achieve this, we strictly enforce a set of rules which all players must follow. By logging on to the FusionNetwork Minecraft server or by making use of the FusionNetwork Discord and forums, you agree to follow all rules that are listed in this thread. Lack of knowledge about the rules will be treated as ignorance and a mistake on your part and you will not be exempted from the consequences of breaking them. Further information about the global rules can be found [HERE](#).
Account Sharing
Account sharing is not disallowed. However, we strongly discourage players from sharing their accounts. Several of our punishments include IP-bans and IP-mutes. Sharing your account could land you in trouble since your IP address will be linked to other accounts and vice versa. **Your account is your responsibility.**
High CPS Clicking Methods
Any form of autoclicking is strictly forbidden (including the Minecraft version 1.15 option). We also strongly discourage manual clicking methods that cause extremely high CPS.
Non-PC Gameplay
Playing on non-PC applications (phones, tablets and similar) can make you appear like you are cheating even when you are not and can get you punished either by our anti-cheat or our staff members. We strongly recommend you stay away from non-PC applications for Minecraft due to this reason when playing on FusionNetwork.
VPN Usage
VPN usage is not disallowed. However, we strongly discourage players from using a VPN on our server. There is a chance you will join the server on a banned or muted IP address which could land you in trouble since your IP address will be linked to other accounts and vice versa.